3 Simple Steps to Manifest Success + Abundance

You may hear a lot about manifesting abundance, but what does that really mean, and how do you actually do it?

My definition of abundance is living the ethos of "being, doing and receiving." 
  • Being abundant means that we feel whole and complete. Meditation and affirmations keep me in this vibration. 
  • Doing abundantly is about holding space every day for inspired action. The planner helps me to plant seeds every single day! 
  • Receiving abundance helps us to welcome gifts with open arms. I welcome all outcomes, even unexpected ones! 
My friend, Traci Bild, is a successful entrepreneur, mom, wife, and author. For me, she embodies an abundance mindset.
Recently, she sat down with me to share how she made the shift from scarcity to abundance - using this trilogy of "being, doing, and receiving."

A few months ago, I felt down because of a lot of chaos: my kids needed me, the home rebuild was stalling due to complications, and my business was doing well but not meeting our financial goals.

So the first thing I always do whenever I’m in that discombobulated state is to protect my mind; it’s so important to be fiercely protective of what we let into our headspace.

I distinctly remember one afternoon during this period that was pivotal for me. I pulled out my vision board to reset my mindset of possibility.

I went back to what’s important to me, like getting my daughter ready for high school graduation, helping my son launch his summer business, focusing on my health, and making our new home beautiful and magical with pretty gardens.

I said to the universe, "I don’t want a fish. I want a whale."

What I meant was that I wanted to be in the abundance mindset, not one of scarcity. I said it with conviction and passion, and I expected it.

I started to regain confidence and continued to do what I do daily: I got on the phone and made sales calls. Well, guess what? At 3 pm, a whale arrived. A huge, ripe opportunity landed in my inbox, and it confirmed what I know about abundance.

When I’m doing my part, the universe partners with me every single time.

Excerpted from Radical Radiance: 12 Weeks of Self-Love Rituals to Manifest Abundance, Beauty, and Joy (St. Martin's Press) by Angela Jia Kim. Pre-order your copy today!