Step 0: How to do your weekly brain dump (or detox) 😇

Our dog (Ella Fitzgerald) and the NEW Daily Action Planner 💛each other. :) 


Good Sunday Morning, glow-getters!

I love Sundays so much because it's a time for rituals to start off the week beautifully. I love taking a salt bath, doing skincare rituals, and spending time with the Daily Action Planner (now available for pre-order) to do a "brain detox" and prep for the week. 

With Ella Fitzgerald blasting in the background, a cup of organic beef broth, and my daughter set up with a fun activity, I relish in dumping all of the “do this, do that” inner voices out of my head and onto paper. It is SO therapeutic and cathartic.

Sometimes you have to sit there for a while to get inspired. You can refer to your 90-Day Vision, flip back to previous "brain detox" lists to see what you missed, draw, doodle... anything to get the juices flowing! :) 

Do you see the handy tabs to the left of the photo above? You can now easily flip back to your master brain detox lists!

I love that the new Savor Life planner version has ONE master list so it's organized in one section. You can look back at previous weeks to see what you didn't get done to re-write or nix the to-do. 

Then throughout the week, make sure to refer to this master list to create your daily weeds and seeds.

I invite you to join me today in doing your "brain detox", too. Create a Sunday ritual for your non-negotiable ME TIME, and you will see how good you feel entering into Monday! 

Here's to Sunday rituals, Ella Fitzgerald + good vibes,

Angela Jia Kim

Get inspired: watch my brain detox in action!