The 1 Question to Ask for Financial Abundance

Yesterday, I taught the Manifest Masterclass (from Radical Radiance), and afterward, I received a beautiful DM from a sweet soul. 

It made me think. How did I get myself out of credit card debt, pay off my school loans, and stop stressing about how I would make ends meet? 

In the last decade, I built a multiple 7-figure beauty business (using the planner and its methodologies!), bought my dream Manhattan apartment, and have been able to thrive in New York City as a single mom. 

When I got this DM, I realized that my financial abundance started by shifting my mindset from "I can't afford this" to asking myself: 

"How can I afford it?"

This is something I had learned from Rich Dad, Poor Dad years previous, but it somehow clicked this time around.

savor beauty planner

This led to another question: "What do I need to do to make this happen?" 

And this led to "planting seeds." 


The Savor Beauty Planner is all about planting seeds, an action that has potential for growth. And it's my--and now your--secret weapon to building financial wealth. 

Your homework is to think about something you want and yet think you can't afford. Then write down all of the little baby steps you need to do to manifest it.

Those are the seeds you will plant daily. Some won't grow, and some will blossom. It could take a day and maybe it will grow in a decade. Never you mind!

Your future self will thank you that you planted those seeds. It is the ultimate act of self-love, self-care, and self-nourishment. 

Think about it: a girl from Iowa who becomes a concert pianist who builds a multiple 7-figure beauty business (with zero connections or business know-how) in New York City? That's me. ✋

If I can manifest abundance, SO CAN YOU. 💛

And if you'd like to go deeper into my methodology on building abundance, beauty, and joy through a foundation of self-love, grab a pre-order of Radical Radiance: 12 Weeks of Self-Love Rituals.

I will teach you, week-by-week, how to manifest the financial abundance, love, and joy you deserve. 

radical radiance

 Connect with me @angelajiakim and lmk what you think! xoXO!