The Biggest Thing I Learned Working for Angela Jia Kim 💕

Hi, everyone!

My name is Sharon, and I am a recovering perfection-holic. Some of you may already know who I am :) For those who don't know me, I work behind the scenes for Savor Life Planner and Savor Beauty.

I have learned a lot working here, so Angela asked me to share the biggest lesson to inspire you all! 💪


It's so easy to be hard on myself when something takes longer than I wanted or doesn't come out how I wanted.

Sometimes I get so caught up in the FINAL result, that I don't realize how FAR I've actually come.

Enter: Angela and Savor Life Planner. 

It's no secret that Savor Life Planner's founder, Angela Jia Kim, can get things done like nobody's business!

Next to her insane work ethic, I see the amount of responsibility she has and how much it takes to run a multi-million dollar beauty business. She often jokes that the planner is her brain to remember it all and to keep her sane. 

I admire her ability to "prototype" (the version you start with isn't the one you end up with!) and remember that tomorrow is another day. 

I've learned to adopt that mindset into my work and life, too.

If it's been a hard day, I'll just use the gratitude section at the bottom of the weekly spread in my Savor Life Planner and pop in one of the super cute "I am learning" stickers located in the back of the planner. 

I know that I can reflect on mistakes, learn from them, and make real progress. Adopting the #ProgressOverPerfection mindset has been good for me on so many levels... especially on the soul level. 😌🌸

Thank you, Angela!! 

- Sharon ♡

P.S. If you haven't already adopted the #ProgressOverPerfection mindset, I dare you to try it for a week!

Shoot us a message on Instagram or an email letting us know how it went. 🙌 I am positive you will feel amazing.